FiiO M11 - The Truth

Feature-wise, it is the best player in the market today. Point me to another player that supports all the hi-res formats, wireless or otherwise and that supports 3.5mm, 2.5mm and 4.4mm balanced output all at the same time. In that sense alone, it is a worthy recommendation.


Is it worth the price? It comes down to your passion really. If you’re an audiophile or an avid music lover looking for the convenience of Android and a stellar sound, absolutely! If you have a wireless headphone with LDAC or are a fan of wireless gear in general, definitely! If you’re looking for a feature-packed, play-what-you-want, plug-what-you-want device, this is for you! Currently, there is nothing like it on earth.


All features considered, this is not an exaggeration. Fiio M11 is The Truth. And I hope a lot more people enjoy it as much as I do now.


Happy listening, everyone!


Author: audiophilefan; From: Head-Fi
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