3. How do the BTR1's indicators work?

A: 1) Power on: Hold the button A for about 3 seconds when the device's off, and the blue light will light up
2) Power on without connection: Hold the button A for about 3 seconds when the device's on, and the lights will be off.
3) Pairing mode: Red and blue lights flash alternately.

4) Device connected: Blue light flashes once every 2.5 seconds
5) Low battery warning: Red light is steadily on while Blue light flashes to indicate the current working status.
6) Charging: Red light is steadily on after connected while Blue light flashes to indicate the current working status.
7) Charging completed: Red light lights off while Blue light still flashes to indicate the current working status.  
8) Sound effect: Green light lights up when sound effect is on, and lights off when sound effect is off.

Note: the status 1~7 is for the working status indicator, and the status 8 is for the sound effect indicator. See below image:
