FiiO K9 Pro ESS Desktop DAC and Amplifier Hands-on Review: Flagship of a Different Kind

The global shortage of AKM DAC chips will be an event that audiophiles will be talking about for years to come, and the ripples caused by it had the unintended consequence of spawning a whole range of audio devices based on the ESS chips across the industry.

Is that a bad thing? In the case of the FiiO K9 Pro ESS version, it's a resounding 'no'. When compared directly to the AKM version, each of the K9 Pros had their own color and character and simply provided another choice for us consumers. And more choice is always good news, because as we have found, different headphones have different needs. When paired with a headphone that is warm in nature, and hard to open up like the Audeze LCD-2C, we wholeheartedly recommend the ESS version, which is definitely better.



Author: David Herbert; From:

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