4.Operation introduction for K11 and K11 R2R

Setting menu options difference between K11 and K11 R2R

K11 R2R has no FILT option with SAM and IDLE options added. Other setting options are the same as the K11.

1. Power on/off

Plugging in a DC power supply and short pressing the power button (volume knob), the device will be turned on. When the device is on, hold the power button for about 5s to turn it off.

2. Volume knob operation

(1) Switch working mode: Turn on the device. On the homepage, short press the volume knob to enter the working mode menu. Rotate the knob to successively switch between USB IN, OPT IN and COAX IN. After selecting the desired mode, short press the volume knob to complete the switch and return to the homepage.

If no mode is selected, hold the knob to return to the homepage.

(2) Settings menu: Turn on the device. On the homepage, hold the volume knob for about 2s to enter the Settings menu. Rotate the knob to switch between different settings. When the current setting needs to be changed, short press the volume knob, and there will be flashing characters showing up on the menu. At this time, rotate the knob to switch between different settings, and short press the knob to confirm the setting. Then, the new setting will take effect with no character flashing anymore. Other settings can still be changed.

On the settings menu, hold the volume knob for about 2s to return to the homepage.

(3) Adjust volume: On the homepage, rotate the volume knob to turn the volume up and down.

(4) Quickly switch output:

K11: On the homepage, double press the volume knob with physical button to immediately switch between PO and LO.

K11 R2R: On the homepage, double press the volume knob with physical button to immediately switch between PO, LO and LO SE (volume adjustable).


3. Introduction to Settings menu

Settings menu Introduction
GAIN H: High Gain, suggested using with high-impedance headphones
M: Medium Gain, suggested using with common headphones
L: Low Gain, suggested using with high-sensitivity headphones
OUT: Switch output PO: Front panel headphone output, adjustable volume
LO: Rear panel line-out, adjustable volume

PRE: Rear panel line output, adjustable volume(Only support in K11 R2R)

FILT: Digital filter(Only available in K11) 1) Minimum phase fast roll-off filter
2) Fast roll-off, Phase-compensated filter
3) Minimum phase slow roll-off filter
4) Slow roll-off, Phase-compensated filter
5) Wideband flatness filter
6) Non over-sampling filter
CLASS: DAC working mode AB: AB class working mode
H: H class working mode
UAC: USB working mode 1) UAC1.0
2) UAC2.0
LCD-b: Display brightness 1~3 levels adjustable
LCD-T: Screen timeout 1/2/5/10/30 minutes adjustable, “0” means constantly on
RGb-M: RGB status setting 0/1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8 (default)
Each represents: Follow the audio, Red, Blue, Cyan, Purple, Yellow, White, Green, Follow a cycle
RGB-P: RGB pulsing status Y: RGB light pulses
N: RGB light constantly on
RGB-b: RGB light brightness 0/1/2/3/4/5 each represents: Off/1/2/3/4/5-level of brightness
UPDATE: Firmware update entrance Short press the volume knob to enter the menu. Select “Y” (yes) on the “Y/N” menu to enter the firmware update mode.
RESET: Factory reset Short press the volume knob to enter the menu. Select “Y” (yes) on the “Y/N” menu to factory reset the K11.
FW Vxxx Firmware version
RETURN Return to the homepage
IDLE:Smart idle time(Only available in K11 R2R) Y: ON
SAM:Oversampling settings(Only available in K11 R2R) NOS: Over sampling OFF
OS: Over sampling ON

SAM(Oversampling settings):The default option is OS and over sampling is on. When external audio datas transform to the K11 R2R, it will be oversampled and converted to a 384k sampling rate (in simple word: upscaling). Then the data will be sent to the R2R module for decoding. The purpose of oversampling is to change the distribution of quantization noise and improve the SNR.

The sampling rate displayed on the K11 R2R is still the original sampling rate but not 384k. 

When the SAM option is set to NOS, oversampling is off. The audio data will be decoded and processed in its original sampling to present the original sound experience.

IDLE(Smart idle time): This option is for selecting whether to enable smart idle function. The default option is N and the smart idle function is off.

When selecting Y, the smart idle function is enabled: when no playback for 30min, the system will turn off part of the circuit power supply in the background to save power consumption with RGB indicator off automatically. When the K11 R2R resumes playback, the system will restore power supply and enter working state with the RGB on automatically.
